Friday, 16 September 2011

US Patent Reform made easy - What's in it for you!


This article is for the people who are in the technological world and their profession either involve patents or affected by patents and intellectual property. This article is a time saving guide and provide prospective of the recently passed Leahy-Smith America Invents Act 2011. 

" Yes! we can"

On Sept 8, 2011 the Leahy-Smith America Invents Act bill passed by both houses of the U.S. Congress and finally Mr. Obama signs it today (16th Sept,2011) to make it as a part of US patent Law.  

This is the fourth attempt to introduce significant changes in U.S. patent law, and closely resembles previously proposed legislation in the Senate in its previous session (S. 515, see the Patent Reform Act of 2009). In this bill the most significant aspect is the transition from a "first to invent" to a "first to file" system. It has been referred as the first significant change to the U.S. patent system since 1952. 

What is US Patent reforms Act?

Patent law reform, as with other law reforms, is the process of examining existing laws, and advocating and implementing changes in a legal system, usually with the aim of enhancing justice or efficiency.

Why so much Noise recently?

1. This reform is a landmark in American patent history as it shifts from first to invent to first to file. This harmonizes with the rest of the world. The apprehension is that changing the tenet that put the United States as the topmost innovative nation in the world might not be to its advantage.

2. Fees diversion: There is still a lot of noise on this issue, the fees that innovators pay is diverted by the government into other channels and is 

looked upon as a tax on innovation.

3. It took long to overhaul the patent law and Finally its happened!

What are key provisions on this reform? How it will affect the patent laws in US? What does it entail?

1. First-to-file system
2. limits on patent marking ”trolls
3. Post-grant review
4. Courts have made it harder to get a patent invalidated by alleging that someone misled the patent office
5. The bar is now higher for what is patentable.

Following Map outlines most important provisions of the US Patent reform act. 

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US Patent Reform - Simplified

How it may affect the industry?

According to USPTO, the cost of proving who was first to invent, under the current system, is an average of $400,000 to $500,000 in legal fees to engage in interference proceedings. Those costs can double if a case is appealed. By contrast, under the legislation, a $110 provisional application will establish effective rights to an invention, securing first-inventor-to-file status with no risk of subsequent disputes. The USPTO believes that the near- and long-term effects of certainty, predictability and reduced costs of the first-inventor-to-file system will benefit all stakeholders, both small and large entities, regardless of the area of technology.

Concluding Remarks

Law will take it course, this common one liner fits well with this reform act as well. "Yin" and "Yang" discussions around this reform has started happening but How it will change patent world is yet to be seen. All we can do is to start accepting this as a way of life and start working towards incorporating it in practice. Lets all hope for the best for invention, inventor, and industry!

By: Dr. Sarasija PadmanabhanGovind Kedia

Please feel free to share insights, thoughts, and additional information on this subject.
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The article has been jointly written with Dr. Sarasija Padmanabhanwho is registered patent agent at Indian Patent office. Please note that the information by no means is complete and may need further research. Writers are not responsible for any error in the presented data . This article does not represents writers' employer position on the subject .
Please do not copy/reproduce mind-map for commercial use without permission. Its against copyright Law! 

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Is you daily newspaper informing you about what's happening in the Patent world? - Coverage of patent related issues in Indian News media

Analysis of frequency, coverage trend, coverage topic of patent related stories in past 1.5 years in Indian News Media.

Building the Base:

It was same lazy morning with sleepy eyes on 31st August with newspaper in my one hand and toothbrush in the other. The reaction after seeing the newspaper was the same “same old political crap, what the hell!” but then as I unfolded the paper, I saw a rather unusual head line on the lower part of front page, a headline “Pollution board chief cashed in on own patent”. Well it was surprising to see patent angle in wide spread corruption in the country. After reading the article, I asked myself, Is Indian media catching up with western media and giving importance to patents and Intellectual property?

Setting the Stage

I thought let me check this out by analyzing news publication of the premier of Indian media sources. So, I decided to utilize Google News and its advanced feature to copy all the articles which mentioned “patent” in the text of the article from January 1, 2010 till date 6 Sept, 2011.

I copied the results from Google for each news source and dumped into an Excel spreadsheet. After cleaning the data it was easy to find useful insights. If anyone wants to take a look at the collated data, please follow this link to DOWNLOAD the spreadsheet. 

Lifting the Weight
I have considered following source for collating the news articles.
· Reuters India
· Deccan Herald
· Economic Times
· Hindustan Times
· Times of India
· InformationWeek
· The Hindu
· Livemint (The Mint)
· Business Standard
· Financial Express
· Indian Express
I am sure you will find your favorite newspaper! If not, then maybe you can decide to switch to any of these after seeing the results.

Here are some fascinating statistics & analysis based on the collected data: 

Reuters, may be due to its Global nature covered more stories on patents or stories involving any patent angle. Leading Indian daily newspaper such as Deccan, Times of India, Economic Times, and Hindustan Times were almost at a same level.
In my view, it is still less! Our Media should cover this area more proactively.

Now the next intriguing question was, if this trend varied during the past 1.5 years. For that, the publication dates were normalized by Quarter. Here is the outcome of that:

It was comforting to see that Indian Media has started taking the issue seriously. The moving average trend lines of various sources are in the upward direction. 
Yes! our media is waking up to the IP issues.

Now you will ask what they are actually covering, to do that I used a widely known Text tool Wordle to create a word map. This analysis is based on the titles of the news item retrieved above. Please note that the larger the text the more they appeared in the title of the news.

Looks like we are being informed on important developments by our responsible media!

And Finally.....:

Let’s see, what we can conclude here:

1. Indian Print and Online media has started taking Patent issues seriously.
2. International issues and news form headline and covered by most of the Indian Press. 

3. The inclination towards patent related news has increased in past quarter and it may rise further. 
4. Apple, Google, Microsoft, Samsung and Motorola were top international companies covered by Indian media 
5. Ranbaxy and Dr. Reddy’s, Glennmark were top Indian companies who were quoted in different sources. 
6. Important international patent disputes such as Android, HTC-Microsoft, and Apple-Samsung got their due place in News.

I hope you have found the article interesting. That’s why you are here!
Please feel free to write back to me via email or post your comments on the blog.
Please do not think of suing me if you think I made any error. I disclaim any liability which may occur due to any error in presented data. Also, this article is entirely represents my personal opinion. This is not a official or associate with my employer.
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